
Transcendence within coffee
inca Vidurrizaga is a family-owned coffee company in Peru, established by brothers Bernard and Jhonny Vidurrizaga, with a long history in coffee farming dating back to the 1920s. Our focus is on producing and selling high-quality coffee from our own natural farms, always striving for improvement in quality.

Ensuring Transparency
We have all the necessary tools to guarantee the transparency in our processes of coffee production and end-product.

Committed to Quality
Starting from seed selection, plant nurturing, ripe coffee beans harvest, proper post-harvesting procedures, and ensuring clean and consistent shipments. Our focus on quality and cleanliness saves time and energy for roasters, so they can focus on perfecting their craft.

Wet Mill Excellence
We work tirelessly to extract the best from each coffee cherry, consistently upholding our high standards year after year. Experience and research are key.

Dry Mill Eminence
All coffee beans go through our wet mill at Villa Rica Highland, our hulling plant where we finish the selection process, traceability of the coffee, and it is ready for export.
Our location allows us to have a privileged climate within the Oxapampa-Ashaninka-Yanesha Biosphere Reserve, resulting in a pure coffee grain with excellent fragrance and capability of being processed for any taste of the final consumer.

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Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Quienes somos?
Finca Vidurrizaga es una empresa familiar Peruana que se dedica a la producción y comercialización de café de sus propias fincas, conformada por dos hermanos Bernard y Jhonny Vidurrizaga (CO de FV) que cuentan con ancestros dedicados al café desde la década de 1920 hasta la actualidad. Finca Vidurrizaga siempre está trabajando para superar su calidad todos los años.
Contamos con todas las herramientas necesarias para garantizar la transparencia de nuestros lotes cómo también nuestro trabajo.
Nunca descuidamos la calidad, la cuidamos desde la recolección de la semilla, cuando hacemos nuestros viveros, cuidamos la producción con la alimentación correcta a nuestras plantas, la recolección de forma adecuada de los granos maduros, nuestras labores en post cosecha y posteriormente el embarque. Siempre trabajamos en la limpieza y consistencia para darle tranquilidad al tostador no desgaste energía en esta parte del proceso.
Dry Mil
Todos nuestros granos de café previamente procesados en nuestro beneficio húmedo llegan a Villa Rica Highland, nuestra planta de trillado donde terminamos el proceso de selección, trazabilidad del café y queda listo para la exportación.
Todos nuestros granos de café previamente procesados en nuestro beneficio húmedo llegan a Villa Rica Highland, nuestra planta de trillado donde terminamos el proceso de selección, trazabilidad del café y queda listo para la exportación.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec egestas fringilla est, id scelerisque ipsum condimentum in. Curabitur cursus diam euismod velit scelerisque efficitur. Mauris tempor felis viverra risus porta ultrices. Vestibulum vestibulum sem enim, eget sodales orci pharetra eu. Maecenas consequat consequat lobortis. Maecenas tempus ultrices purus, vel condimentum turpis scelerisque quis. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eros lectus, elementum quis dignissim et, laoreet id sapien.
Our farms

Our small Luana is the fast-growing plot, it has been with us since 2007, consistency is its main characteristic.

3 Vientos
Our oldest farm, has been with us since the 1980s, its height varies between 1350 and 1500 meters above sea level. In this farm is our wet mill and parchment coffee warehouse.

It is the second largest plot, with a predominant variety of caturra and catuai, it offers a consistent and uniform cup from the first bean to the last.

Located above 1500 meters above sea level, the winds are colder and cloudier, shaded by native and forest trees, bordering our buffer zone giving priority to wildlife.
Biosphere Reserve
Our farms are located within the geographical area of the Oxapampa-Ashaninka-Yanesha Biosphere Reserve, located in the Pasco Department in the center of Peru. It consists of the last undisturbed ecosystems of the central jungle of the country. Its located between the lowland Amazon jungle and the montane cloud forest. The result, a high diversity of flora and fauna that contributes to its high altitudinal range, from 300m to 4500m, in the Nevado de Huaguruncho.
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people growing
the reserve.
It is composed of transcendental native communities – Yanesha, Ashaninka, and Asheninkas – descendants of European settlers – Austro-German and Swiss – and communities from the Andes, coast, and Amazon jungle. These communities are mainly engaged in agriculture and livestock, although logging and development of handicrafts have gained importance in recent years. It was recognized as a biosphere reserve by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on June 2, 2010, for being an important point of conservation.